Club Handz

Club Handz 2023 (01/18/2023)

Club Handz is a series of annual events hosted by Kem (@saturdayxnightxspecial). After a couple of years on hiatus, this Club Handz was a much needed return for one of SoCal’s best, and essential, grassroot events.

Handz brings out a number of drivers that you don’t normally see at Apple Valley; the cars are well done, with a sleek style that differs from the typical missile car you’d see in the middle of the desert. Local drivers dusted off their cars, while many others made the 6+ hour drive from NorCal in their drift cars to attend this event.

Handz is a lovely mix of cars, friends, and family that mesh so well together, creating new memories and catching up with others whom we have missed.

Thank you Kem for hosting a fun event and we look forward to another Handz soon.


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