Final Bout 5

Final Bout 5 - Sept 3 & 4

As everyone knows, Final Bout is the event to go to if you are into grassroots drifting. This event is an ‘ode to the style and culture that encompassed drifting back in the 90s. The organization of Final Bout is set in a way that they hold events, known as Special Stages, in different areas of the United States; Special Stage North West held in Oregon, Special Stage West in California, Special Stage South in Texas, Special Stage East in West Virginia, and Special Stage Central in Wisconsin. The competitions are based on the style of the cars and how well the teams drive together. The teams that are able to place in the stages, are then able to go to the final event in Wisconsin to compete with other teams.

Spectators from across the nation gather annually in the unsuspecting small town of Shawano, WI to get to witness this exciting and remarkable event. Final Bout is where one can truly get to see the passion, hard work, and dedication that comes from the drivers and event organizers.

Enjoy the photos below ! If you are interested in prints, you may buy prints here.